Split Screen and Graphical Insertions Technical Specifications
Right click to Save Image
Split Screen
Cuvântul “PUBLICITATE” trebuie să fie afișat pe toată durata difuzării split screen-ului, cu o dimensiune de 60 de puncte în format HD, scris cu alb, ca în exemplul de mai jos:
The word “PUBLICITATE” must be written on the image, on the whole duration of the commercial, as in the example shown above.
Split Screen-ul trebuie sa fie full background.
The split-screen has to be full background.
Fișierul trebuie exportat ca HD, urmând specificațiile tehnice Adstream România.
The file must be exported as HD, following Adstream Romania technical specs.
Inserții grafice
Graphical Insertions
Graphical insertions: TGA or TGA sequence
1 fișier TGA pentru referință 1920X1080 -figura 2, 24 bit, cu poziționarea și dimensiunea reală a logoului
1 TGA file for reference 1920X1080 – figure 2, 24 bit, with the positioning and real size of the logo
1 fișier sau o sevență de TGA (daca este animație) 32 bit (alpha channel straight) CROP cu toleranță la marginile siglei (maxim 5 pixels pe contur) – figura 3.
1 file or a TGA file (if it is animation) 32 bit (alpha channel straight) CROP with tolerance on the edges of the logo (maximum 5 pixels per contour) – figure 3.
Logo inserterul din MCR interpreteză un fișier TGA ca 1 FIELD – în concluzie pentru siglele animate înainte de export trebuie TIME STRETCH 200% (exemplu: O animație de 10s va avea o secvență de 500 TGA) sau REAL TIME (exemplu: 0 animație de 10s va avea o secvență de 250 TGA).
The logo inserter in MCR interprets a TGA file as 1 FIELD – in conclusion, for animated logos before export you need TIME STRETCH 200% (example: A 10s animation will have a sequence of 500 TGA) or REAL TIME (example: 0 10s animation will have a sequence of 250 TGA).
Alte precizări pentru Inserție grafică:
Dimensiunea maximă pentru inserția grafică este aceea de 900×350 (daca execuția are lighting și alte particule în degrade, real) sau partea utilă este de 900 x300 pixeli.
Inserția grafică trebuie livrată în doua frame rate: respectiv 25fps si 50fps (10 secunde reprezinta 250 frame TGA /// 10 secunde reprezintă 500 frame)
Other specifications for Graphic Insertion:
The maximum size for the graphic insert is 900×350 (if the execution has lighting and other particles in gradients, real) or the useful part is 900×300 pixels.
The graphic insert must be delivered in two frame rates: respectively 25fps and 50fps (10 seconds represents 250 TGA frames /// 10 seconds represents 500 frames)
Kanal D
Split Screen
Fișierele TGA cu alpha ca fișier ZIP
TGA files with alpha as ZIP file
The graphic material must be HDTV 16:9 1920×1080 as TGA files with alpha
The “PROGRAM VIDEO” zone must be with alpha, with a 1360×768 px size and it must be placed in the upper left or right
The advertising zone must contain the word ” PUBLICITATE “
The graphic is played as 25fps progressive scan
Inserții grafice
Graphical Insertions
Technical conditions for graphic insertion in HD format
» Graphic material in HDTV format 16:9 1920×1080 px in TGA file sequence with alpha channel – Straight (Unmatted).
» The graphic insert must have a size of 700px by 200px and must be positioned 160px from the right edge and 230px from the bottom edge.
» The graphics are played at 25 fps in progressive scan mode.
Split Screen
Fișierele TGA cu alpha ca fișier ZIP
TGA files with alpha as ZIP file
Fișierul trebuie să aibă fundal complet.
Cuvântul „Publicitate” trebuie să fie vizibil pe toată durata.
Fișierul trebuie exportat ca HD/SD, urmând specificațiile tehnice Adstream România.
Pentru INSERȚII GRAFICE, exportați TGA-uri cu canal alfa (arhiva *.ZIP)
The file must have full background.
The word “Publicitate” must be visible on the entire duration.
The file must be exported as HD/SD, following Adstream Romania technical specs.
For GRAPHIC INSERTIONS, please export TGAs with Alpha Channel (*.ZIP archive)
Inserții grafice
Graphical Insertions
Format TGA les sequence with alpha channel (RGBA) at size 1920x1080px
Placement Lower-right corner inside ac on safe frame area
Size max-width = 480px (= ¼ screen width); max-height: 270px (= ¼ screen height);
Fișierul trebuie să aibă fundal complet.
Cuvântul „Publicitate” trebuie să fie vizibil pe toată durata.
Fișierul trebuie exportat urmând specificațiile tehnice Adstream România.
Pentru INSERȚII GRAFICE, exportați TGA-uri cu canal alfa (arhiva *.ZIP)
The file must have full background.
The word “Publicitate” must be visible on the entire duration.
The file must be exported following Adstream Romania technical specs.
For GRAPHIC INSERTIONS, please export TGAs with Alpha Channel (*.ZIP archive)
Split Screen
Split Screen Advertising
”L” Splitscreen (45/55 ra o) ATTENTION: All the Splitscreens must not have sound. We request that the HD resolution to be used. Below are presented the details for Split Screens ”L” Splitscreen
It is used during the programs for which the TV sta on has legal rights on. The ratio between the two areas is of 45/55 (Program / Comercial) .
ProTv group recommendation: the commercial spot must not include the essential information on logos areas, otherwise will not pass PRO TV internal QC process mandatory for airing commercial spots (Top-left area 450×150 px,Top-right area 192×160 px) ***art 94 of the C.N.A. Decision 220/2011 – DECIZIE Nr. 220 din 24 februarie 2011 privind
Codul de reglementare a conţinutului audiovizual – CNA
For the purpose of correct information, any information or warning contained in an audiovisual commercial communication shall be broadcast in such a way that it is clearly perceived by the public, in particular by ensuring the following measures: (a) it is presented statically, legibly and for a suficient duration in the case of information broadcast in the form of videotext; character size shall be at least 17 points in SD standard definition format and 32 points in HD high definition format; b) be played back at normal reading speed.
The file must be exported following Adstream Romania technical specs.
ATTENTION: Spot’s Aspect Ratio must be 16:9.
The client has to produce the split screen, to cover the area left open by narrowing the main program.
The background of the commercial has to be uniform, meaning it has to be “in style” with the rest of the commercial. The entire screen has to have the commercial, in place of the program there is no need for a rectangle to be “drawn” because unwanted lines and drawings may appear at the time of the alignment of the program with the commercial.
It is mandatory for “L”-shape split screen to have written somewhere on active site of the commercial the word “PUBLICITATE”, in CNA law and regulations conditions.
The length of the commercial has to be any duration in between
The program narrows towards the logo of the TV station. Because of this reason the “L” Split Screen must be on the on the right side of the screen.
Split Screen
The graphic must be full background.
It must contain the word “PUBLICITATE”
The file must be exported as HD, following Adstream Romania technical specs.
Graphical Insertion
Dimensiune export: 671 x 455 px dimensiune grafica: 425 x 255 px export: Targa sequence RGB+ Alpha denumire: max 14 caractere
Export size: 671 x 455 px graphic size: 425 x 255 px export: Targa sequence RGB+ Alpha name: max 14 characters
Export TGAs with alpha channel – 250 frames ex. name (max 14 characters): CASAP V1 [###]
Split Screen
The graphic must be full background.
The file must be exported as HD, following Adstream Romania technical specs.
SPLIT SCREEN ADVERTISING Dolce Sport TV channels can have “L” shape Upper Left or Upper Right Split-Screen advertising!
The following guidelines can be used by clients to produce commercials that will be broadcasted in Split-Screen:
1) No sound for commercials;
2) HD resolution and 16/9 image aspect ratio, tga format;
3) Dimensions as in the picture below, the ratio between Advertising/PGM is 50/50 with the same aspect ratio image
4) The word „Publicitate” must be written somewhere on active area of the commercial;
5) The length of the commercial has to be any duration longer than 10 seconds;
6) The program feed narrows towards the logo of the TV channel. Because of this reason the „L” Split Screen can be on the upper left side or on the upper right side of the screen. Usually Dolce Sport logoidentity channel is on upper right side, but sometime depend of the live sport event could be and on theupper left side!
7) The background of the commercial has to be uniform and static! The entire screen has to have the same background used for the commercial. In the place of the program there is no need for a rectangle to be „drawn” because of unwanted lines and drawings may appear at the time of the alignment of the program with the commercial.
Split Screen
Fisierele se exporta ca:
1920 x 1080
Files are exported as:
1920 x 1080
25 FPS
Static Logo / Animation
Procedura operational privind formatul fisierelor grafice utilizate pentru LogoMaster
Incepand cu data de 01.03.2017 se va utiliza procedura curenta pentru primirea si incarcarea fisierelor grafice utilizate in cadrul sistemelor LogoMaster. Continutul digital furnizat fara sa respecte prezenta procedura operational a va fi refuzat si returnat solicitantului sau, dupa caz, distrus.
Logo-uri de mici dimensiuni
Pentru logo-urile statice sau animate, cu portiuni transparente mai mic de 25% din suprafata totala si a caror marime totala a fisierelor (ce compun intreaga seventa) este mai mica de 4 MBytes se vor trimite doua fisiere:
– un fisier .PNG cu canal Alpha care va contine logo-ul.
In cazul seventelor a caror dimensiune totala este mai mica de 4 Mbtes se va trimite o seventa de fisiere .PNG cu canal Alpha.
– un fisier .PNG cu canal Alpha de pozitionare avand rezolutia canalului tinta:
o 720×576 pentru SD, atat pentru raportul de aspect 4:3, cat si pentru 16:9
The operational procedure regarding the format of the graphic files used for LogoMaster
Starting from 01.03.2017, the current procedure will be used for receiving and uploading graphic files used within the LogoMaster systems. The digital content provided without complying with this operational procedure will be refused and returned to the applicant or, as the case may be, destroyed.
Small logos
For static or animated logos, with transparent portions less than 25% of the total surface and whose total file size (composing the entire set) is less than 4 MBytes, two files will be sent:
– PNG file with Alpha channel that will contain the logo.
In the case of files whose total size is less than 4 Mbtes, a file of .PNG files with Alpha channel will be sent.
– PNG file with positioning Alpha channel having the target channel resolution:
o 720×576 for SD, both for 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio
Fisierul de pozitionare va contine logo-ul sau fotograma reprezentativa (in cazul unei sevente) pozitionata in pozitia finala, pe ecran.
The positioning file will contain the logo or representative frame (in the case of a sequence) positioned in the final position, on the screen.
Logo-uri si insertii grafice animate
Pentru logo-uri sau alte insert grafice animate (burtiere, teas-uri, interstitiale, OTS, etc) se vor trimite doua fisiere:
– un fisier MOV in format QuickTime cu canal Alpha si codec Animation ce va contine animatia propriu-zisa. In functie de dimensiunea animatiei, aceasta poate avea o rezolutie mai mica sau cel mult egala cu cea a canalului tinta (720×576 pentru SD, 1920×1080 pentru HD).
Marimea fisierului .MOV nu trebuie sa depaseasca 2 GBytes.
– un fisier de pozitionare .PNG cu canal Alpha (doar in cazul in care fisierul .MOV are o rezolutie mai mica decat full-screen \ avand rezolutia canalului tinta:
o 720×576 pentru SD, atat pentru raportul de aspect 4:3, cat si pentru 16:9 o 1920×1080 pentru HD
Fisierul de pozitionare va contine o fotograma reprezentativa din cadrul animatiei pozitionata in pozitia finala, pe ecran.
Logos and animated graphic inserts
For logos or other animated graphic inserts (banners, teas, interstitials, OTS, etc.) two files will be sent:
– a MOV file in QuickTime format with Alpha channel and Animation codec that will contain the actual animation. Depending on the size of the animation, it can have a resolution lower than or at most equal to that of the target channel (720×576 for SD, 1920×1080 for HD).
The size of the .MOV file must not exceed 2 GBytes.
– a PNG positioning file with Alpha channel (only if the .MOV file has a resolution lower than full-screen \ having the target channel resolution:
o 720×576 for SD, both for 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio o 1920×1080 for HD
The positioning file will contain a representative frame from the animation positioned in the final position, on the screen.
Split Screen
Sa fie sub forma de L cu latura verticala in dreapta;
Sus pe latura verticala sa fie scris PUBLICITATE;
Maxim 10 secunde.
Fisierele video se vor incarca dupa specificatiile tehnice ADSTREAM ROMANIA.
It should be L-shaped with the vertical side on the right;
Above on the vertical side should be written PUBLICITATE;
Maximum 10 seconds.
The video files will be uploaded according to ADSTREAM ROMANIA technical specifications.
Split Screen
Fisierele video se vor incarca dupa specificatile tehnice ADSTREAM ROMANIA.
The video files will be uploaded according to ADSTREAM ROMANIA technical specifications.
Active Region: 480×270 (Left L Board – this is where advertising elements should be put – see diagram and examples below)
Full Background
Audio: Mute
Duration: 15 Seconds
Sponsored ZIP Logos
Wrapper: Targa file with Alpha
Format: 8-bits-per-channel GBA (Uncompressed)
Image Resolution Landscape Logo: 1000W × 276H Pixels
Image Resolution Portrait Logo: 633W × 900H Pixels
Transparency Parameter: Straight Alpha only (Not Pre-Multiplied Alpha)
Split Screen
File Format : Targa Sequence
Channels : RGB+Alpha (Premultiplied / Matted)
Bit Depth: 32 bits / pixel
Compression: None
Width : 1 920 pixels
Height: 1 080 pixels
Scan Type: Interlaced
Scan Order : Upper (Odd) Field First
Frame Aspect Ratio: 16:9 (1.78)
Pixel Aspect Ratio: Square Pixels
Frame Rate : 25.000 fps
Color space : HDTV (ITU-R Rec. 709)
Split Screen
The video files will be uploaded according to ADSTREAM ROMANIA technical specifications.
Split Screen
Fisiere TGA cu Alpha, in arhiva ZIP
TGA files with Alpha, in the ZIP archive
Pentru insertiile grafice si split screen:
– trebuie sa fie pozitionate în partea de jos a imaginii, nu trebuie sa depaseasca o inaltime de 270 pixeli,
– formatul fisierului trebuie sa fie .tga sau secventà de .tga-uri, full HD (1920×1080 pixeli), cu alpha channel.
For graphic and split screen inserts:
-must be positioned at the bottom of the image, must not exceed a height of 270 pixels,
-the file format must be .tga or sequence of .tga files, full HD (1920×1080 pixels), with alpha channel.
Specificatii insertii grafice meciuri EL (logo):
Specifications of graphic inserts EL soccer games (logo):
Be no greater in size than the following dimensions:
With accompanying match graphic
SD: height 35 lines; width 140 lines HD: height 65 lines; width 260 lines
Without accompanying match graphic
SD: height 50 lines; width 200 lines HD: height 95 lines; width 380 lines
Split Screen
Duration: 10/15/20 Seconds
Active Region: 480×270 (Left L Board – this is where advertising elements should be put)
The graphic must be full background.
The file must be exported as HD, following Adstream Romania technical specs.
Sponsored ZIP Logos
Wrapper: Targa file with Alpha
Format: 8-bits-per-channel GBA (Uncompressed)
Image Resolution Landscape Logo: 1000W × 276H Pixels
Image Resolution Portrait Logo: 633W × 900H Pixels
Transparency Parameter: Straight Alpha only (Not Pre-Multiplied Alpha)